[SOLVED]: It doesn't work after updating the plugin to 1.1.1

Hello Mr. Sinan, after updating the plugin to 1.1.1, unfortunately the plugin stopped working.

While adding the Openai API code, I get the “Something went Wrong” error and I cannot activate the plugin, can you help me?

Hello İlker

can you make a jam.dev recording please show us the error how it is happening and go to the settings > logs if there is any PHP error happening.

Waiting for your input.

Thank you.

Unfortunately, after updating to version 1.1.1, the plugin data was lost. The log screen is empty and when I want to enter the openai api key, I only get an error and the log record is empty.

can you send me a temporary admin login.
so we can check if we can find the error.

click on my user and click send message


Dear Sinan ,

Thank you very much for your help, problem is solved after updating plugin to new version.


I was going to remind to update but you already done :tada:

this issue fixed with latest update.